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  • Pharmacy | Nowell Pharmacy | Lovington

    cuidando con orgullo nuestra comunidad Let us help you find the plan that works best for you. Also see the website below for updated information for this next year. (Deductibles & The Gap) Medicare Part D Open Enrollment for 2024: What You Need to Know Obtenga nuestra aplicación de farmacia en su teléfono hoy Maneja la medicina de tu familia Establecer recordatorio de medicación Solicitar recargas Encuentre la información de su farmacia Learn more about RxLocal ¿Qué nos diferencia? En Nowell Pharmacy, hacemos un esfuerzo adicional para brindarles a nuestros clientes una forma fácil y conveniente de administrar sus recetas médicas. Nuestro atento y experto equipo de farmacéuticos y asociados está aquí para asegurarse de que todos reciban servicios profesionales y atención personalizada para sus medicamentos y otras necesidades de atención médica. APRENDE MÁS Nuestros servicios Nuestro equipo hace más que surtir su medicamento, en nuestra farmacia brindamos servicios y productos a nuestros pacientes de una manera que maximiza la salud de nuestros pacientes y el bienestar de las comunidades. Trabajamos juntos para desempeñar un papel activo en su atención médica brindando: Servicios de prescripción Recarga 24/7 Vitaminas y Suplementos Entrega Servicios MTM vacunas Pruebas de COVID, gripe y estreptococos Aceites esenciales de Young Living Med-Sync Medias de compresión APRENDE MÁS Si tiene alguna inquietud o pregunta no dudes en contactarnos Atención al paciente es siempre nuestro Prioridad Identificador de píldora Retirada de medicamentos

  • Events | Nowell Pharmacy | Lovington

    Events EVENTS BLOG Nowell Pharmacy Senior Center Classes First Monday of the Month (Lovington) First Thursday of the Month (Tatum) We will be offering classes once monthly on pharmacy topics. These topics will include medication management, vaccinations, blood pressure and diabetes monitoring. ​

  • Vaccinations | Nowell Pharmacy | Lovington

    vacunas Actualmente ofrecemos vacunas contra la gripe, la culebrilla, la neumonía y el tétanos, la difteria y la tos ferina. Se aceptan la mayoría de los seguros, así como el pago de vacunas de su bolsillo. Las vacunas se ofrecen entre las 9 a. m. y las 5 p. m. Formulario de vacunación Obtener registro de mi vacuna Información de vacunas MED SYNC TRANSFER RX VACCINES RX LOCAL Available Vaccines Flu (Influenza) Vaccine Read more Influenza is a contagious respiratory illness caused by a virus. Symptoms of the flu usually come on suddenly and can include fever, cough, chills, sore throat, body aches, and tiredness. Everyone, of all ages, should be vaccinated each year in the fall. Pneumonia Vaccine Read more Pneumococcal is caused by a bacterial infection. It can cause fever, chills, cough, difficulty breathing, and chest pain. It is recommended for children under 5, all adults over age 65, and people with high-risk factors such as smokers, heart disease, lung disease, diabetes, etc. Shingles (Zoster) Vaccine Live Read more Shingles is caused by a virus. Symptoms consist of a painful skin rash often with blisters. Anyone who has been exposed to chickenpox can develop shingles, but it is most common in people over the age of 50. The vaccination is recommended for age 60 or older. Adults 19 years and older who have a weakened immune system because of disease or treatments Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis Vaccine Read more Tetanus is a toxin found in the soil which often infects people through cuts, scratches, or puncture wounds in the skin. It can cause muscle spasms that ultimately lead to paralysis and death. Diptheria is a less common disease but still very dangerous. It is spread through coughing and sneezing, and can ultimately lead to paralysis and heart failure. Pertussis, also known as whooping cough, spreads very easily through coughing and sneezing. It can be very dangerous to babies and young children. It is important for babies to receive the vaccination series, and for everyone to receive booster doses throughout their life.

  • Setting Up Account | Nowell Pharmacy | Lovington

    RxLocal App Instructions Account Setup Select “I Need an Account” Read and Accept the Terms of Service. Fill out First Name, Last Name, and Date of Birth exactly as the pharmacy has it listed. Check your prescription bottle if you’re unsure. Enter your cell phone number and email address for account security and pharmacy verification. Select the number you’d like your verification code sent to. Read and click agree to receive notifications and other promotions from your pharmacy. Read and click agree to receive notifications and other promotions from your pharmacy. Enter your validation code texted to the phone number on your account. Create your username. Create your password. (At least nine (9) characters, and uppercase letter, a lowercase letter, and a non letter character) Request a Medication Refill Once you log into the app, select “Refill my Prescriptions” Click on the person who is needing to refill their prescription Choose one or more prescriptions to be refilled, then select “Continue” Select “Pickup” or “Delivery,” then select “Submit Refill.” You may use the Comment button to send a message to your pharmacy along with your refill request. Receive a confirmation email Schedule Medication Reminders Once you log into the app, select “Remind Me to Take My Medications” Select “Create New Reminder” Select the person for whom you’re creating a reminder Select the medication you wish to create a reminder for and touch “Continue” Use the tabs at the top to select the frequency of your reminder and touch “Continue” Set up the reminder time and touch “Save Reminder” TIP: Set up additional times if needed

  • Rx Local | Nowell Pharmacy | Lovington

    RxLocal App MED SYNC TRANSFER RX VACCINES RX LOCAL Download our New Pharmacy App! Nowell Pharmacy is partnering with RxLocal, a mobile app, to make getting your medications convenient and easy. Once you download RxLocal to your phone, you'll be able to do the following: In App Messaging Test your Nowell Pharmacy pharmacist from your phone with our messenger. Mobile Refills Order and manage medication refills using your phone. Reminders Set reminders to pick up or request refills. How to Use the RxLocal App Once you have successfully downloaded the RXLocal app on your mobile device, follow these instructions to get started.

  • Med Sync | Nowell Pharmacy | Lovington

    MedSync MED SYNC TRANSFER RX VACCINES RX LOCAL Medication Synchronization (MedSync) Do you ever find it difficult to keep up with your medication refills and picking up your medications? If you answered yes, you may benefit from medication synchronization (med sync). Med Synchronization, also called med sync, is a program that we offer to help organize your medication refills so that you will be able to pick up all of your medications on a single day each month. Once set up on med sync, our pharmacists will also call you to go over any changes in therapy or health that could affect that month’s synchronized fill. Speak to a Nowell Pharmacy staff member today about how we can get you set up on med sync. Benefits of Med Sync We know life is busy and we want to help make things easier. Setting up med sync alleviates the worries or stress of traveling back and forth to pick up multiple prescription refills. Let us help you free up your schedule for other things. Simple & Convenient Track your Health We want to work with you on your health. With medications synchronizations, we're able to track your medications and counsel you or your loved one on any important issue relating to your medications or your family's medication. Meet immediate needs Medications synchronization allows you to pick up your medication refills in time to meet your doctor's prescription of the medications. Medications become more effective when you take them as prescribed, so we want to ensure you're getting them on time. Helps monitoring your use of the medication Nowell Pharmacy wants to help you manage your medications and health conditions. Medication synchronization gives us a better snapshot of your prescription usage and allows us to provide better information to doctors on your medications.

  • Transfer Rx | Nowell Pharmacy | Lovington


  • Location | Nowell Pharmacy | Lovington

    Contáctenos 122 W Adams Ave Lovington, Nuevo México 88260 ​ Lunes - Viernes: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Sábado: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Sábado cerrado en verano Domingo: Cerrado Teléfono: 575-396-4242 Fax: 575-396-3133

  • PHARMACY | My Site

    Pharmacy MED SYNC TRANSFER RX VACCINES RX LOCAL We’re about your health Families have been trusting us with their prescriptions and immunizations for decades. Have questions about your medication or what immunizations you might need? Just ask your pharmacist—we’re always willing to help! Transfer your prescription Transferring to Nowell Pharmacy is easy! Just contact us and we’ll take care of everything. Transfer your prescription Vaccines We're happy to administer Flu, Shingles, DTap. We also have COVID, Flu, & Strep testing. See our vaccine capabilities Supporting whole health Curious about vitamins and supplements? Our pharmacists can give you more information about everything from Acacia to Zinc. We can even help you understand how they may interact with your prescriptions.

  • About Us | Nowell Pharmacy | Lovington

    Sobre nosotros EVENTS BLOG Nos preocupamos por nuestra comunidad En Nowell Pharmacy, no solo nos preocupamos por surtir sus recetas, nos interesa comprender la condición de salud completa de cada persona para asegurarnos de que todos regresen a casa con los medicamentos que necesitan para sentirse mejor. Nuestro personal atento y profesional está listo para surtir sus recetas y responder todas sus preguntas relacionadas con el cuidado de la salud. Si es un paciente nuevo o necesita información sobre medicamentos genéricos o de venta libre, comuníquese con nosotros y estaremos encantados de ayudarle. ​ Al servicio del área del condado de Lea desde 1952 Proporcionándole el mejor farmacéutico para la mejor atención Nuestro cariñoso y equipo de expertos

  • Contact Us | Nowell Pharmacy | Lovington

    Contact Our knowledgeable and neighborly staff is always happy to help answer any questions you might have. Please do not include any sensitive personal information on the web form. If you'd like to transfer a prescription, please fill out our transfer prescription form . Questions about your medication? Call us and we'll be happy to help.

122 W Adams Ave

Lovington, Nuevo México 88160

Teléfono: 575-396-4242

  • Facebook

Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM


Saturday: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

             Closed Saturdays in the Summer

                   (Memorial Day through Labor Day)


Sunday: Closed

Software de farmacia impulsado porPioneerRx

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